Welcome to our directory of Peterborough florists. These local florists are here for you during the good times (birthdays, Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, weddings) and the bad times (funerals, sickness, sympathy) and an help you put together the perfect floral arrangement for your particular needs.
Check below to see our recommendations for florists and flower shops in Peterborough, Ontario. Each listing contains detailed information about that particular florist along with photos of their work. You may also want to visit their individual websites (which we link to) for more photos and information.
Recommended Flower Shops & Florists in Peterborough, Ontario:
203 Simcoe St Peterborough ON K9H 2H6
Flowers & Gifts By Brenda offers the highest quality flowers and friendly service to the entire Peterborough area, at a price that you can afford. We've been in business since ...
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